Sunday, October 10, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel...


Well,after writing finis, it seems as though i have not been able to write anything at all..the long drawn tale of life brimming with tears and laughter lies fluttering like a blank scroll on the breast of time..Like a pilgrim who leaves behind evrything on the road to Death, i want to discard my crumbling body -wen was it mine anyway?
The vast skies have no end too...Ocean does not increase or decrease..The sun does not set...does not rise....Everything i thought was true, isnt...
I gave evrything i thought was mine...Me, Mine became Ours...
Yet i lost....
My heart's desire is not satiated...nor is it left empty..Relationships have no name , no end...
Creation is the beginning of destruction......Inauguration of dissolution.....That which is Eternal and Infinite...
Giving the innocent child a toy, and then snatching it away the next moment to make it cry....Why fabricate this drama? If this is not cruelty, what is? Life seems to be slipping away underfoot.
All the grievances, all silent hurts, and reproaches of life, i place here, today, in the last moment...
With the end they wil be gone, and i alone shall tread the path to You.
the Infinite You...with You, its ecstacy.Not transitory moments of carnal pleasure.......
You, who see through all....You,who feel the essence....You,who fill the Essence...
Into You...

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