Saturday, August 22, 2009

All for a Hug...

Love makes u Blind...makes u do things which u never even dream of in ur wildest Dreams....
there is this pull deep inside ur heart.....and u no longer feel at peace until u fall into those arms...every moment away from love is torture and u wud trade heaven for love....
Love makes u insane.....Like it made me...
Until i decided to run away......

it was drizzling, that morning.....the day of my escape.....i felt like a convict,as i walked out of the gate...i wanted to run before dawn broke....coincidentally it was the anniversary of indian independence....and here I was declaring mine, boldly!!! i got into the first bus i saw....rivers, trees, bridges passed by me.....they were smiling at the runaway maiden...
She was all i had in mind....Her smile....Her glance....She was my Goddess...of all things....Around me, Nature was at her beautiful the distance i could see the blue sea merging with the backwaters.....seconds turned into minutes ....minutes turned hours....
Finally i was at her doorstep!!! my heart stopped still for a moment as i looked up at her majestic kingdom...tall buildings that overlook the ocean,coconut trees sunbathing, the mysterious backwaters glitterin in morning glow....this was my dream!!! what my heart longed for...
my steps quickened....and i was standin on Her soil...this was wher She grew up, She shed tears for Her Beloved,She sang in ecstacy....She was bringing me back,my Mother....What a divine plot She weaved to let me set foot on that soil once again!!!
i was travelling back thru corridors of time....the first sight, the first song i sang for Her...the first hug....the first kiss..
and i was there to relive those moments!!! O wat Joy!!!

and now it was time for me to see Her...With a pounding heart and smiling face i waited....minutes ticked by...and it was my turn....i was soo stricken by Her beauty....the shining nose me She seemed the most beautiful Mother on Earth...
She took me in Her arms....i was toungetied....i couldnt call out Her body seemed no longer mine....i was Hers....peaceful at the final destination....She gazed at me for a while....if silence could speak, then this was it...i neednt tel Her anything...She knows....All sleepless nights and tears....all my heartbreak, and sorrow....all joys and laughter....She asked me to sit beside Her....and dat one word was enough...

Love is a madness......but it turns a joyful insanity...when iam Home... in Her arms!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hats off for your genuine effort.but u can improve upon this to get a perfection.that 2nd poem is amazing, the call with the mother nature..good keep it up and pls do publish it through a more known format.
